Online Time 12/10 Topics 1. Assignment 11 review Requested review questions 2. the reason that we do not have to use if(fin.eof()) break; in the case of while(fin>>variable) 3. question about data type. Like long int , unsigned int ,short int, signed int, what are the difference between them? 4. Usage of setw() (when to use left, right, where the number inputted actually is i.e. setw(9) for a string) 5. vectors 6. argument types (when to use int* or int array[] and differences) 7. For setprecision(), when should you use and not use fixed? 8. Practice problem #8 The attached file contains a secret message. You have to decode it. The file contains ascii codes + the position of the char in the message. For example, if the secret message is "ABCD", then the file would contain 65 67 69 71 65 = 'A' + 0 67 = 'B' + 1 69 = 'C' + 2 71 = 'D' + 3 Decode the file ----------------------------------- if(fin.eof()) break; while(fin>>variable) while (!fin.eof()) { fin >> whatever getline(fin,buffer) if (fin.eof()) break; ... // processing } while(fin>>variable) { } if read operation fails (for example, EOF), then stream goes into an error state ifstream is derived from istream conversion operator cin >> a >> b >> c; int array[50]; vector v; v.push_back(5); cout << v[5]; v[0] = 6; constructor a vector is a template vector is a class vector v; v is an object vector w(v); vector x(10);