CIS 18B Advanced UNIX

Assignment 0

Format for all Laboratory assignments

The first line contains the following identifying information:

CIS 18B firstName lastName (nickname) Lab 1

where firstName is replaced by your first name and lastName is replaced by your last name. You may include your nickname in parentheses, if you wish.

Your work must be printed; handwritten work is not acceptable.

Use a unix editor to type and edit your work.

Staple the pages of lab 1 together; staplers are available in room ATC 203.

For each problem, type or copy the following information, to make up your solution:

- Type the number and the problem statement.

- Identify and copy your input files (if any).

- Copy your grep command.

- Copy the result produced by execution of your grep command.

The best answers receive full credit.

You will need to build data files for your tests. I suggest you use a data test file for each group of a few problems. These are your input files. Identify which problems each data file is used with. Be sure to copy them into your solution, which you turn in. In some problems, I provide a test file. Note that your solution should work with all valid data, not just the data in one specific test file.

All assignments should be turned in. If they are late, they will be marked down some; but all assignments should be turned in.