CIS 89C  Client-Side Programming with JavaScript


Unit 3 - Writing scripts (week 2)




McDuffie - Chapter 2 Writing Scripts with JavaScript




Tools - McDuffie page 46

Use an external file

The script tag - McDuffie page 55

Where to put the script - McDuffie page 57

Testing a sample line of JavaScript in the location bar - McDuffie page 63

Hiding Scripts from Old Browsers - McDuffie page 63

Definition of widget - Wikipedia - Widget(computing)

Comment your code - McDuffie page 65

Semicolon - McDuffie page 66

navigator object - McDuffie page 67






JavaScript, XHTML, and CSS are all written in text.

So you need a text editor.

The simplest is notepad on windows.

Be careful to use   save as   to save the file with the correct file extension:

.html for  XHTML,  .js for JavaScript,  .css for Cascading style sheet.

The book makes other suggestions for tools.


You need a good browser.

We will use the current version of Firefox.

Sometimes we will use a different browser, to see the difference.

There are differences between browsers, and between different releases of the same browser.

A major problem for commercial JavaScript developers is these differences between browsers.

We will try to avoid most of these problems in this, a beginning course.


This problem is because JavaScript is interpreted by the browsers,

rather than being a compiled language.

With a compiler, your program needs to compile and work using one compiler.

With JavaScript, it is interpreted by all the different browsers on the user's machines.


Development process is needed to produce good results.

For a course, that means read the problem first.

Decide what approach you are going to use.

Build the XHTML first, before you start on the JavaScript.

Validate the XHTML.

JavaScript can have mysterious errors, if everything is not just right,

so you should write your JavaScript a line or two at a time.

Test after writing a couple of lines.

You do NOT have a compiler to help you;

write very small amounts of code at a time.

Slowly build up your complete script.


We might use the development toolbar in Firefox, to look at some JavaScript activities for debugging.




Use an external file


Iin unit 1, we discussed that you can put the script mixed in with the HTML, or you can put it in the head container, or you can put it in a separate file.

The best place to put the JavaScript is in a separate file.


Review from unit 1:



contains just:




It contains the JavaScript code, only.

The JavaScript file has the file extension of .js


Look at sample 1-4-external-file.



The result is the same as the previous example in unit 1, that hade the JavaScript in the same file with the html.

The only difference is that the JavaScript code is in a different file.

In this example, the JavaScript file is in the same directory; if it is in a different directory it needs the relative or absolute path to the file, or its URI.

Note that the script tag is now a singleton tag.

The script tag has a src attribute, that tells what file has the JavaScript.


Note about the samples in the book:

Notice that there should be NO language attribute in the script tag.

The book shows a language attribute, but that is becoming obsolete,

so you should NOT code a language attribute.




The script tag


The script tag should contain the type and src attributes, to refer to a JavaScript page.  Do not use the language attribute, it is becoming obsolete.


<script type="text/javascript" src="my-script.js" />


type="text/javascript is always used, to indicate that we are using Javascript.


The value of the   src attribute is the location of our JavaScript file.



I have observed a bug (or feature).

The use of both:

<script />


<script>               </script>

in the same file, seems to sometimes cause problems.

If you have a problem, use an empty

<script></script> rather than <script />




Where to put the script


There are several ways the  script  element can be used:


1. script tag in the body


The script tag can be put anywhere in the body of an html page.

As the page is loaded, the script executes when that line in the html page is reached.

If the script does a   document.write("some text");

 then   some text  will be written at that location in the page.


We just looked at sample 1-4, which shows this.


2. script in an event attribute


The script event attribute can be used in an element in the body of an html page.

When the event happens, the script executes.

For example:


<body onload="alert("This page was just loaded.");

<button onclick="alert("You clicked on the button.");


3. script tag in the head


The script tag can be putin the head of an html page.

When the page is loaded, the script executes before the body is loaded.

Do NOT use document.write() in the head.

You cannot write text in the head.

A script tag is often used in the head, to specify functions, that can be used later, or to set up variables, with their initial values.

We will look at a script tag in the head later.


4. script tag in a pseudo-protocall


In an  href  value, you can specify the  http  protocol.

For example:


<a href="">

  Your index page




Instead of a  protocol, you can specify the javascript: pseudo-protocall.


<a href="javascript: some-javascript-address-function();">

  Your index page



The JavaScript can return a URL, which will then be used as the destination of the link.


Other ways to use the script tag

The book lists another one or two ways to use the script tag.  We will stick to these four.  They are more likely to work.  We will start by using these two:

1. script tag in the body

2. script tag in an event attribute

Later we will use:

3. script tag in the head

We will not see much of
4. script tag in a pseudo-protocall



Examples for the above

Remember, we saw an example of a script element in unit 1.

The script element was in the HTML body .

It referred to an external.


Look at sample 1-4-external-file.



The JavaScript file contains only:




Next, let's look at an example which uses an onclick event.


Look at sample 3-1-external-file.



The button is:

    <button onclick=

   "alert('You clicked the button');">Click here</button>

The JavaScript alert() method puts up a popup box with the text   

You clicked the button


Next, let's look at a fancy example which uses a script file in the head,

onclick attributes in the buttons, and a pseudo-protocol in the  <a>   tag.

This is more stuff than you will do now.

We can look at it now, and you can learn it later.


Look at sample 3-2-head-and-onclick.



The JavaScript file contains:

var cat = "Cleos page";

function showCat() { return; }

function setCat(cat_parm) { = cat_parm; }


this is used in the functions to access the global variable   cat

setCat() sets the value of cat to the value of the parameter.

showCat() returns the current value of the cat variable.

The three buttons use setCat to set the text.

The <a> uses the pseudo-protocol to build a new page with the cat text in the new page.




Testing a sample line of JavaScript in the location bar


You can type:

javascript: some JavaScript command

in the location bar.

This is a way to test a command.

It will open a new page with the result.

Sometimes this might be helpful when writing code.


javascript: document.write("hello")

will open a new page with the word hello in the body.



Hiding Scripts from Old Browsers


The book has a section on using HTML comments to hide a script in an HTML file from old browsers that do not recognize the <script> element.

This is an old technique that may not always work.

Instead, put the JavaScript in a separate file.

That is what we will do.

JavaScript in a separate file causes no problems.



Definition of widget


Wikipedia - Widget(computing)


Wikipedia, under Widget, includes in its Etymology discussion:

 "…any mechanical product without artistic or spiritual value."


Wikipedia, under Widget(computing), includes:

"… an interface element that a computer user interacts with, such as a window or a text box.”


I mention this to remind me to use the term widget.

I tend to call them controls, which is a Visual Basic term.



Comment your code


Like all code, you should comment your code.

Put a comment at the top of every file, saying what is.

Put your name an lab number at the top.

In HTML, put the first comment after the <!DOCTYPE> element.

Put a comment before every function, with an eyecatcher.


In JavaScript comments may be in either C style:



  This is a long comment.

  It may extend over several lines



// This is a short comment. 

// It ends at the end of the line.






A JavaScript statement is ended by the end of a line.

A JavaScript statement is ended by a semicolon.

It is nice to have both.



var x = 5;

var y = 6;




navigator object


The book has a section on the navigator object in chapter 2.

We will skip that for now.

We will come back to it later, when we need it.